Saturday, July 30, 2016

This is a terrible word - "CSE"

Pre-exam jitters already begun. Most graduates are afraid of the unknown, it seems that the exam - it is a kind of boundary that separates life into before and after. Statistics confirms this: 62% of graduates are experiencing excessive worrying, 27% - a disturbance in the normal range and 11% - remain indifferent.

Worry and worry quite natural and normal, but the line between anxiety, anxiety and panic rather shaky. And it may well happen that the test will fail for this reason. It is doubly a shame if the knowledge is, and take advantage of them to be fully turned. 72% get the wrong result because of excessive excitement, anxiety, and this is a very big figure. Only 17% are given to those points, which are claimed, and, 8% higher than expected result is 3% say bad passed since poorly studied.

Among the main fears are the following:

• I forgot everything, empty head, do not remember anything.

• Fear to be worse than their classmates.

• I will not surrender, I will condemn. Do not pass - a shame. 

• Fear not get a proper education in the future.

• will be taken into the army.

• Have to go to work (the logic of a teenager - flunked the exam, nowhere will do, parents will not have).

• Parents do not buy anything for the promise of good points.

How I would say a hero of the Soviet cartoon "Calm, not panic!".Excessive need some excitement level. It is important to believe in yourself, do not stop training, a realistic assessment of "sticking of the zone" and tighten them. For a month is unrealistic to fully master the discipline, but it is possible to pull up. As evidenced by the data, 38% are prepared with tutors, 20% - on their own, 19% - through an open bank jobs, 13% of all, 7% believe they have enough school program, 3% are preparing cribs.

Most often turn to professional help to "pull" of mathematics. From 2 is mandatory exam in mathematics is difficult, especially if you need to pass the exam profile.

In the exam it is essential to understand: all the worst has already happened, you are on the exam, are given the task, the time has gone ... So you need to take a deep breath, count to any numbers you like, focus and carefully, slowly completing quests.

Education abroad: Switzerland

Those wishing to get a quality European education is no accident attracted Swiss universities. High level, relatively low cost, availability - so you can characterize higher education in Switzerland . That's just it does not fit all.There are a number of requirements that apply all the universities:

• Age of 18 years.

• Knowledge of the language - logical and a natural requirement in some universities require confirmation of language proficiency certificate.Official languages ​​- three French, German, Italian. The geographical position of the university determines the language in which it will have to learn, there are bilingual schools.

• A certificate, in addition, the majority of universities in addition require a certificate that you have already lost the habit for two years in the Russian university.
The very system of higher education is decentralized. Admission requirements vary greatly. Introductory trials may not be. Take as long as there is space. And here lies the fundamental difference from the usual domestic system: students take a lot more than you need. Through rigorous selection weeded out a lot of people. For example, cheating - the unique reason for expulsion.

Full cycle of higher education comprises three levels: 

• Bachelor's degree.

• Master.

• Dr.

And he will take from 6 to 9 years. Learn from October to July, the year is divided into 2 semesters.

For foreigners Swiss loyal. Go learn where you can at least, even in free state high schools. Exception - medvuza. They break sometimes simply impossible, too many of its visitors. But the techies will be happy. This is due to the industrial boom. Scientific research strongly supported, encouraged that attracts foreigners who are here, finish my studies, have a greater chance of higher earnings. Some groups of students can apply for scholarships.

Not less important distinguishing feature of Swiss education is the attitude to sport. This is not a minor thing, as well as the profile. Students choose the subject of sports and study together with other disciplines.

By the way, there is an unspoken belief that St. Gallen is ideal for the study of the economy, Fribourg, Lausanne - to the right (in Lausanne - the best in Europe forensic School), Geneva - philology, Nevshatali - for history, Zürich - Banking.

Why go to college?

What is taught in high schools?

In the 90s and 2000s, the education system transitions to commercialization. Like mushrooms after the rain began to grow commercial colleges and universities, who offered to receive "education" in the shortest possible time and with minimal effort. So much so that some students and their parents believed that it is enough to get a "crust", and work on a specialty is not necessary. This led to tragic results for young professionals. According to a survey portal of HeadHunter, 49% of employers called the level of preparation of graduates "rather low", and another 31% - "very low." One in five employers refusing to hire applicants without experience.

Capital do not have enough manpower

According to the European Social Survey of 2010, the number of people with higher education Russia is ahead of the United Kingdom, Spain, France and Germany. The question arises - and whether Moscow should as workers with a diploma of higher education?

During Soviet times, the enterprise planning staff were provided with the help of the distribution frame. The transition to a market economy and a decline in the prestige of working trades led to the fact that the generation of workers who have been trained in the Soviet era reaches retirement age, and replacing them is not prepared.

Secondary vocational education system as a way out of the situation

June 25, 2014 have been amended in the text of the law "On professional education in Moscow." According to him, the structure of vocational education is undergoing significant changes. The law refers to "update the contents of secondary vocational education" and "State Regulation of training of skilled workers and specialists, taking into account Moscow labor market needs."

In the capital, it has launched several programs for the development of colleges. One such project is called "professional impetus". As part of his Moscow college students visit companies and companies in Moscow to witness the production process and to meet future employers. Another not advertised, but a significant plus of the project is that the students on their own will find that demand a very high operating companies, and are serious about learning.
So whether or not to go to college?

The days when the word "peteushniki" was a dirty word, passed. Modern Colleges prepare specialists including in the most "money" areas: hotel and restaurant business, jewelry, and even aircraft. In addition, the demand for such personnel will only grow. According to the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the most popular profession in the coming years will be the profession mechanic, master of decorative works, a hairdresser and technology.

Do not forget that vocational education can become a kind of "bridge" between the school and the university. After a closer look with the chosen profession in college, young professionals will get more opportunities to enter university.

Where to find a job without experience in Moscow

Today, many students and graduates of Minsk universities are faced with job search issues.This is due on one hand to the fact that the majority of students choose their future profession as popular, but not popular specialty. In addition, the employment process complicated by the fact that many companies use pre-made professionals with extensive experience.
However, despite the rather difficult situation, positions with no experience in Moscow there. To find them quickly and easily can be on Trudboks employment portal. Most proposals for candidates time are in the retail sector, as well as in the restaurant or hotel business.

Popular jobs in retail, do not require work experience

Many recruiters emphasize that the sales do not necessarily have the experience to be a good person. It is important to be sociable, flexible and willing to work hard. Many Moscow companies are willing to hire, even the students, because everything you need is easy to learn - it would wish. Most readily-time applicants take the position of the seller, the cashier, the consultant, the storekeeper or the merchandiser. Salaries in many respects depends on the sales volume and consists of a small fixed salary and bonuses. On average, in Moscow cashiers earn about 35 thousand rubles.
The advantages in working in the retail sector very much. It is, first of all, a large number of different work schedules, which allows each applicant to choose the best option. In addition, the registration process at work is quite simple and fast, especially if the store is in dire need for workers.
With higher education, workers can count on the increase. Thus, in the ranks can first become a senior dealer, then head of the department, then the administrator and, finally, the shop manager.

Vacancies for candidates with no experience in the restaurant business

Many job applicants for part-time in Moscow there in the restaurant business. Traditionally, the summer offers a lot more, although some workers catering establishments are needed year round.
So, even without experience restaurants willingly take applicants for such positions: barista, waiter, hostess, bartender, cook (in this case it is necessary specialized secondary education). In this area, when selecting employees preference youth. Earnings largely depend on the attendance of a particular institution. As a rule, they consist of the official salary and tips. In summer, the waiters in Moscow can earn up to 40 thousand rubles per month. In winter, the wages of waiters often do not exceed 30 thousand rubles.

Career opportunities exist in this segment. So, working as a waiter, you can rise to the restaurant manager or administrator of the hall, and the highest point of the career ladder - Managing institution. Recently in the capital earn 50 to 150 thousand rubles.

English for children: choose the language learning path

The need for English language skills no one will dispute. This is still a lot of discussion going on, at what age it is preferable to start the study. Here are a few items stand out:

• The ideal option many consider studying English almost from birth. With a son or daughter to communicate in two languages. Child parallel to their masters. All objections overload the kid, confusion in the head, etc. the results of the American and Russian studies proving the usefulness of early language learning in a relaxed manner.

• Early preschool age suggests the beginning of learning the language in a playful way. In 2-4 years the child already understands, perceives the native language, and it is possible to include classes in a foreign language.On this principle educational cartoons: heroes of speech periodically foreign words found.

• Learning a language is directly in front of the school, 5-6 years. Many recognize the best, since the mindset of children up to 7 years, allows to absorb foreign words simpler, easier. And at the same time children are enough "adult" to learn the language consciously.

• However, there are adherents of the view that the need to begin language study according to the curriculum. Just note that in this case, untrained children is particularly difficult to develop a program, they often have to turn to private tutors.

If the family does not have an English-speaking person and resources for English-speaking babysitter, the first option is unlikely to be realized. Therefore, you should pay attention to the following two. Depending on the characteristics of a son / daughter, the interests, the level of development necessary to select a suitable start time gaming sessions.

In favor of the fact that the English language for children need to start learning to school, say the following factors:

- Children do not have a language barrier, he appears already grown up children and adults. Therefore, the early development of language to avoid this problem;

- Development of the language instinct. Young children and so often have to guess the meaning of many words used by adults. So accustomed to such situations are not stressful;

- Intellectual development. Research has long confirmed that the study of languages ​​stimulates mental activity;

- English school mastered easily, because the child already has a basic knowledge.

But where you can learn English preschool? You can start at home, using a variety of video content from the Internet, cards, etc. However, if the competence of the parents is not enough, then it is better to enroll your child in the group sessions. Of course, you can use the services of a tutor, but the group communication bigger, wider possibilities of using gaming techniques.

It is also important to remember that without the practice of the language is forgotten. This cycling can be a time to learn to ride and a skill at all, and you will remain. With the language difficult, it constantly needs to be trained. Therefore, an excellent option is to find a school / classes / courses, where they can be lead with preschool and attend throughout the school. Then the study of language is profound, comprehensive, and practice the language is regular. As an illustration to bring a language school "International House" in Kiev , emphasis is placed on the free communication and training to build according to the level of proficiency.

Parents and children have long noted the complexity of the curriculum, English - is no exception. Without preliminary basis and without additional training to master the language at the level of free communication, content with the lessons, is a daunting task for many. Therefore it is necessary to attend to the future of his child in advance and build the right path for him the language learning.

School Competition - a whim or necessity?

In 2015 and 2016 school year, the winners of the school competition will go to the budget department in the 11 state universities in Moscow. Those who did not take first place, still can apply for benefits on admission. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation approved a list of competitions, participating in the discount program. Each student will be able to find a subject for the soul and take part, as in the approved list of 71 Olympic Games. Among the approved items have basic disciplines: chemistry, physics, biology, mathematics, and relatively exotic: Theology, Oriental and African.

This is a great opportunity, but somehow modern children do not want to take part in school competitions. Some parents have a stable misleading: there is no point wasting time on preparation and participation in the Olympiad is more important to get a high score on the exam, because it will determine the future of a happy child. In fact, this is not the case.

What benefits can be derived from participation in a school competition?

Firstly, winners of the Olympic Games can do on a budgetary place in the university without entrance exams and exam. Many universities organize their own competitions, so they select talented children and give them the opportunity to receive free higher education. Secondly, even if your child does not occupy the first place, he can claim benefits on admission, and not only: 100 points for the exam on the profile subject Olympiads, traveling with the participation in international competitions, preparing for the exam at a higher level.

But how to get your child to do something, in addition to preparing for the exam?

The main thing is not to go too far. Imposing their own opinions and all these "necessary" by the power of good to not finish. In think a thing like a child more than others? Perhaps it is in this direction and should be further developed. Push the child to the right choice, help prepare for participation. But in any case do not win the meaning of life, or your child will not learn to overcome difficulties and will take every defeat as a personal failure. It can permanently discourage participate in any competitions and trials.

Olympics need everything!

Preparation for participation - is the study of the theory and the solution of complex, non-standard tasks. Even if your child does not win, preparing for the Olympics, it will automatically get a good preparation for the exam at a higher level than the standard SCHOOL tion program. Tasks at the Olympics is much more difficult than the exam, respectively the experience of their solutions make you feel confident in the exam, it is easy to cope with the job and get the highest score.

Prepare and win!

How to learn a foreign language

Knowledge of languages ​​improves the quality of life, opens up tremendous prospects in the professional field, allows to have a necessary and useful contacts. Owning at least one language, you can always earn not only bread and milk, but also to a comfortable life without any prejudice to the desires and needs.

In schools administered the study of two languages, the competition in higher education in the language profession is growing annually. However, not always in the society has been paid so much attention to language education. Therefore, many speak the language at the level of "my name", "where I live" and "the capital of the UK - London." Language courses are in demand as never before.

From someone who, how and where you will be taught, and the result depends - if you can be an adequate participant in communication, or will not move beyond the stories about themselves. How correctly to choose a place, a way of learning?

First you need to decide on the option of mastering a foreign speech:

Take the book and organize self-study.

Pros: saving money, time, place and pace chosen at will.
Cons: lack of language practice, no one will point out mistakes, do not explain the incomprehensible; rigid self-discipline is needed.

Take classes.

Pros: personal communication, language practice.

Cons: a waste of time on the road, a fixed time activities, difficulty in changing teacher.

Personal tutor.

Pros: individual approach, active language practice, schedule of classes.

Cons: cost is generally high, it is difficult to find a really great tutor.

Online courses, online courses, school

Pros: Flexible schedule, the possibility of trial sessions without payment, an individual approach, no need to go anywhere, the use of innovative techniques.

Cons: lack of personal direct contact; Obligatory presence of the Internet and gadget.

The most popular remote language courses, as they are optimal for the results, payment and training. On the Internet a huge number of tempting offers from the different language schools. When choosing a need analysis of the following factors:

- The existence of the course, the reviews about them;

- Availability of free consultations, pilot training, the system of discounts. Successful saving resources are not "small things", they do not need to raise money for kopecks;

- Providing free metodichek, textbooks;

- The use of innovative techniques, language games in teaching;

- Great teaching staff, implementing an individual approach;

- Possibility of learning the language from scratch to professional free communication.

- Payment system;

- Schedule of classes, the choice of a tutor.

For example, a good reputation

Freiheit mit Deutsch language learning school in online mode. This is a great resource with a broad base of training materials provided for free quality. Qualifications of teachers can effectively teach all ages, all abilities and basic knowledge. In addition, you can learn not only the usual German, English, French, but also extremely popular in the framework of international cooperation the Chinese and Italian.

For playing online need any device (laptop, smartphone, tablet, PC) with a web-cam, headphones, a microphone and Internet access. In fact, everything is as you would with a personal tutor, you can see each other, talk, just stay at home and use all available electronic resources. On average development level rather 50 lessons with a professional instructor.

However, keep in mind that for a really good result you need to perform the "homework" to fix their own stuff, then you will quickly be able to master the language to communicate.

Theatre of Moscow universities

Actor has always been cherished dream for young people, so get theatrical education tend to many of today's graduates. In Moscow, the world famous universities and secondary institutions that teach creatively gifted young people in the field: the art of acting, directing, prodyuserstva, scenery and other theatrical professions.

The oldest institution is the Moscow Art Theater School at the Art Theatre. There are faculties of acting, staging, producer. Most of the students are studying on a budgetary basis. In addition, there is the opportunity to enroll in the school-studio under the contract fee.

By the exams are admitted applicants who have passed the preliminary selection rounds. Entrance exams consist of tests of creative: it is necessary to read the fable by heart, a poem, a prose passage for professional test committee evaluates external data, voice and diction setting, music data (performance of the song and dance), plasticity, etc.According to the Russian language and literature shall exam.

Another popular college theater in Moscow - it GITIS, which is one of the largest educational institutions in Europe. The Institute has eight faculties: acting, directing, teatrovedchesky, stage, set design, musical theater choreographer, producer. There are taught in virtually all professions that are in demand in the world of cinema and theater.

By the entrance exams are allowed only applicants who have passed the qualifying consultations where held creative trials. Persons who have passed the qualifying rounds take entrance tests of creative direction and Russian language and literature (EGE). Some specialty exams: literature - orally, Russian language and mathematics - in writing.

The Institute has the budget and pay parking. For Russian and CIS citizens the cost of education in the 2015/2016 academic year for full-time students is dependent on the chosen specialty. For example, actor, director, stage, muzteatra is 279 000 rubles. For part-time students tuition fees - from 118 000 to 141 000 rubles.

Foreign citizens are trained on a contract basis for a fee.

Theatre Institute. B. Shchukin operated by the Academic Theatre. Eg. Vakhtangov. It trains specialists in the following specialties: theater director, actor drama theater and cinema.
A feature of the Shchukin Institute is that all teachers who teach here - are graduates of the school of theater institutions. Therefore, the institution of culture is famous for its best traditions and culture teaching.

Admission to the course I is happening on the basis of creative entrance test and exam (CSE) on the Russian language and literature.Additionally, there are benefits for the admission of certain categories of citizens. The Shchukin School, there are budget places and paid training. Tuition fees, for example, in the acting department for the Russians will be 220,000 rubles for foreigners - 250,000 rubles.

To increase the chances of getting a theatrical education in the universities of Moscow, it is better apply to multiple institutions. After passing the entrance tests of creative (qualifying rounds), you can check out their desires and creative possibilities, to ensure their own talent and establish themselves in the desire to connect his life with the world of theater and cinema.

Technical institutes Moscow

Today's graduates are eager to get a prestigious education, which would be appreciated not only in Russia but also abroad. Some technical universities in Moscow, for example Baumanka, provide an opportunity to get a diploma, which is recognized in the European countries, as well as to acquire, in parallel with the main specialty, the second higher education.

MSTU. Bauman is one of the best technical universities in Russia. Main specialty related to physics, electronics, mathematics and computer science, computer technology, and others. There are 24 faculty, producing specialists in 70 specialties.

This university has and budget, and paid form of training. Priority for admission are applicants who were winners in the Special Olympics held this institution of higher education, graduates from families with social benefits, orphans, etc.

The university for pupils of 8-11 classes constantly operate remote training courses on such examination subjects as physics, computer science, mathematics and Russian language. Muscovites can work on the above subjects on weekend courses. Such exercises not only increase the level of knowledge, but also increase the chances of students on the excellent delivery of the exam and admission to the MSTU. NE Bauman.

Educational programs for students and budget a fee equal. With an excellent academic and delivery session there is a possibility of students enrolled free of charge, go to the training budget.

The cost of training depends on the profession and on the 2014-2015 academic year was 232,435 rubles and 187,200 rubles. To graduate the cost is slightly higher.

Today's school leavers attracted by the opportunity to receive the second higher education in the MSTU. NE Bauman.

Among the technical universities of Moscow has a high popularity MAI - Aviation Institute. The graduates of this institution work in the aviation, aerospace and defense industries.

When training students used this technique as airplanes and helicopters, missiles models, radar systems, and others. At the MAI is also a training airfield. This institute a lot of budget places. The right of priority enrollment are winners of the Olympic Games, the winners of competitions aerospace and others. In addition, a training for a fee. Qualification of graduates - Master, Bachelor, specialty.

Another one of the leading universities of the country is RGUNiG -. University of oil and gas on the basis of the university for students graduating classes remotely operate preparatory courses in physics, chemistry, mathematics and Russian language, social studies - in these subjects take entrance exams. There is a budget and pay tuition. The cost of studying on a fee basis depending on the specialty and is in the range from 156,000 to 245,000 rubles. It is possible to get a second degree. Gubkin University Graduates in high demand in the oil and gas industry.

The priority among school leavers enjoys University of Information Technologies, Radio Engineering and Electronics (MSTU MIREA). Today the university trains specialists in the field of knowledge-based industries such as computer technology, radio engineering, automation, telecommunications and others.

As well as in other public universities, where most of the students who study at the expense of the federal budget. But there is also the possibility of paid training. Payment twice a year (semesters), the cost of education from 142 460 to 155 310 rubles - depending on the specialty.

To help future officers, and not only that military universities in Moscow

Every year an increasing interest to graduates of the military profession.Important role in this played a purposeful state policy, expressed not only in promoting and enhancing the prestige of this type of activity, but also in the provision of housing, various benefits.

1st place in the ranking of higher military educational institutions takes

Moscow Military Institute of the Federal Border Service of the FSB.

The University is a public, all of his students - soldiers. Here you can get, and higher and secondary vocational education.

Training is conducted exclusively in person. Prepare professionals. Officers (on HBO) - in "Border Operations", warrant (the ACT) - "Law Enforcement". Training lasts 5 years.

All candidates for training are required to undergo a medical examination and psychological selection.

For admission to the exam results are needed for Russian, social studies and submission of additional tests on history and physical training. The latter includes running a hundred meters, 3 km, pulling for men and uplift the body, lying on the back (in the home is called the press to download) for women.

Passing grade this year:

• Russian - 41;

• Social Studies - 44;

• History - 32.

The total passing score - 175.

On the budget places on preferential basis coming under the same conditions as in the conventional universities. The quota for the orphans - 10% of the total number of free places.

Military University of the Ministry of Defence (VUMO)

5th place in the ranking of the country's military institutions. This institution rejects the view that the military high schools only learn military profession.

Here prepare officers with military-specific higher education, therefore, on the "civilian" to find a job were not working.

Teach for 5 (specialty) and 4 (Bachelor) years full-time, part-time or evening classes, and let lawyers, journalists, psychologists, psychologists prepolavateley. management of social and cultural activities, sociologists, linguists, translators, experts in social work.

As in the previous university exam results are recorded, evaluated and aptitude medical examination data.

Depending on the chosen specialty, need the exam in Russian, mathematics, faculty of foreign languages, biology, social science, history, literature.

There are off-budget departments, payment varies from 55 to 110 thousand a year.

Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces to them. Peter the Great

It ranked 13th out of 49 possible sites in the military and law enforcement reytige Russian universities.

The academy can be obtained, and higher and secondary vocational education. Self delivery is no different from entering other military institutions, that is, to avoid tests or interviews, determining aptitude and assessment of physical condition will not succeed. You will need to deliver the same standards of endurance, strength, speed.

USE need for Russian, physics, mathematics profile.

Officers are preparing for 5-5.5 years to 8 areas of training full-time and issue experts. Here are studying automated systems, aircraft, missile and space systems, navigation, ballistic software, etc.

That is if VUMO prepare more than the humanities, in military academy training more engineering.

If at first entry into the military institution seems to be more complicated than in a normal, civilian, then it turns out that things are not so scary. Personal belief in the correctness of the choice, it will certainly help with the awareness successfully pass all the tests and become a true defender of the country, a small country, family ...