Saturday, July 30, 2016

humanist and holistic approach towards social inclusion

1. Introduction

Special education, is set within a series of codes of action capable of guiding human beings in a specific act of learning, through a series of paths of social construction that fall within an inclusive education system of social values, ethical and actions related to medical or rehabilitative, psychological or psychotherapeutic and educational or reeducation camps.
According to the above reasoning, it is proper to think about the complexity of the scenarios of special education, while addressing its characteristic interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary pedagogical systematization by the various optical assumed in the social system with holistic characteristics and humanists the desire for a more inclusive towards integration potential areas subject to certain minor commitments that give learning difficulties within specific limitations attending their being as the emotional, psychological, medical and educational needs education.
In this vein, this article is the product of a qualitative research phenomenological hermeneutics considered to generate an integrative theoretical construct of the ontological, epistemological and axiological aspects of specialized classroom integrated care under a look of social inclusion in education special.
Thus, by linking the global understanding of being with learning difficulties, it transcends the quest for recognition of the potential of social inclusion, in the form of specialized in the integrated classroom attention, referring to these students already in the system special education, as is granted interest to the fact sizing strategies and curricular approach to educational transformation, in order to add key experiences for current and future good performance of all inclusive elements that tend to educational quality specialist care in the integrated classroom.
In fact, the nature and extent of the social inclusion of people with special needs and particularly to those students who have difficulty learning, is a guarantee of equal opportunities within the democratic framework of diversity. In thinking about this, I reflect in my own experiential world, and to that end, I initially approached this context.

2. Theoretical Sustrato

2.1. Diagnosis of learning disabilities

The interactive dynamic that arises in the consideration of diagnoses of teachers in the display learning disabilities can be established through processes of primary individualized assessment, the same activities connecting with students on a daily basis, reveals characteristics singularity in a first report linked to working conditions, progress and prospects deriving some observational events, including the social context, which must be inserted in the curriculum, from a holistic, more specialized and participatory vision of a multidisciplinary team supported in psychoeducational assessment.
Thus, a multidisciplinary team focuses on the diagnostic evaluation, to recommend or prescribe in the student's file perspective to consider coordination among professionals. The condition is associated interdisciplinary approach to the existence of strategies in this case, coordination possible to ideal instances of simultaneous jobs discussed at a common table and specialized care efforts.
Somehow, empiricism with which, often a lag of essentiality of these diagnoses as a first approximation to what should be in the future holistic care, has had a peak incidence in the field of special education is created where progress has not focused on technical improvements diagnostic procedures of intervention. It is a fact that the technical design must not mean exclusivity, as opposed to an educational confrontation which must be manifested in all dimensionalities overlapping to that identified need, including reflection to redefine the aims and purposes learning through concrete actions.
Therefore refer Arnaiz and De Haro (op. Cit), that the mere inclusion of children in regular schools does not guarantee that the institution more democratic, since this would represent the curricular extension of traditionalist forms of labeling education to be special, holistic and individualized integration interpreting schools, as a social inclusion, which is not the expression of transformation that is perceived in the service that need individual attention on learning.
From this thoughtful perspective, the performance of the child within the regular classroom is not enough to disagree in its essential nature: the pursuit of integration, but it is a priority to find and understand that learning difficulty should be specialized, identifying certain disruptive behavior, attention problems and difficulties with reading and arithmetic, for example, that could be considered by the unskilled teachers as a problem child, unaware deeply, about the existence of any other interference in the way of the learning process, placing the child in school catalog frustration that involves not be able to complete the assigned task.
Therefore all this characterization of events and situations, requires an interdisciplinary approach that according to Rodriguez (2005), offers a world of complexity caused by disability in human behavior and health that deserves to be in charge of a team of professionals from different disciplines, not only for educators, able to integrate a whole holistic, their contributions, and specialized diagnostic elements corresponding to the dynamics of communication between them, attention is interpreted in transdisciplinary actions.
The instrumental form of isolated diagnosis, remaining in a first fragmented time, when not treated by an interdisciplinary team, is proper to translate a real commitment to children with special needs, considering it as an affliction within the regular classroom; so by the system psychosocial relationships established with other children attending the regular learning system.
However, special education serves a comprehensive, flexible and dynamic process, which is conceived for your custom application and according to understand the different levels and degrees of cognitive or developmental commitment, which has the student, which must be aimed at achieving social inclusion of the subject and not marginalization.

2.2. social inclusion in the holos of humanity

The right way to integrate into a school environment that recognizes diversity taking into account the strengths and weaknesses not, it should be understood within the integrated classroom. I was about a sense of holos of humanity, as stated in the United Nations General Assembly (1948) on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which explains in Article 1,
"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights and are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another" (p. 1).
Similarly, the World Declaration on Education for All (1990), it was stated that the learning needs comprise both essential tools to address reading and writing, oral expression, numeracy and problem solving, as the basic learning content in both theoretical and practical knowledge, values ​​and attitudes are added, necessary for
"Human beings can survive, develop their full capacities, live and work with dignity, to participate fully in development, improve the quality of your life, make informed decisions and to continue learning" (p. 2).
In addition to the above, it complements Campagnaro Solorzano (1999), that the problem of special education, is so complex that forces managers of the education system to include children with disabilities in regular classrooms.
Consequently, a look towards social inclusion implies, specialized training of teachers, in terms of the ability to know address individual differences and making that event also means a change of attitude towards differentiated learning, accept and understand the heterogeneity of individuals who are in school areas, reinforce the achievements of the most advantaged learning, but at the same time respecting the learning process slower, reinforcing each step towards the fulfillment of learning.
However, he adds the author said that the strategy to achieve it is not creating a parallel system of education or working with them as if they were two societies, one regular and other special. Real life does not work with plots or special divisions, which means that maintaining parallel systems, it becomes counterproductive the situation of social inclusion, because it prevents the special coexist with regular, as it should be in real life.
Under these conditions you must be flexible and adapt programs and especially the assessment strategies, teach and assess in terms of what you learn each student and not on what teaches the teacher and finally establish prototypes consultation to strengthen the teaching of classroom its planning, teaching and assessment.
From this point of view, says Lira (op. Cit), in the Venezuelan country special education as a form of education subsystem responds to a school variant aims to meet the special educational needs of children, youth and adults
"Whose characteristics are of such a nature and degree that have difficulty adapting and progressing through programs designed for regular education, and therefore require specific, complementary or temporary or permanent replacement programs" (p. 63) .
The reasoning Loginow (2004), complement the above as described special education, in their own dynamic, with an ecological approach focusing on individualized care, educational situations that favor its development, professionals involved and contexts school, family and community that have to be added in the echoes of participation for social inclusion. From a philosophical standpoint, each school is unique and different and so special, in fact, the acceptance of differences accommodates interpret on the holos development regarding the principles of normalization and integration.
This principle, pursues a level playing field by providing the population with disabilities, the same possibilities and opportunities as the rest of their fellow citizens. In terms of social inclusion, it is the result of the recognition of the right of every person to receive a quality education, equal and timely compliance and exceeding the limits of the school and reach the general social environment.
It also implies knowledge of variables of different types, as well as processes and mechanisms of political, economic, cultural interaction and the adequacy of regulations and laws that guarantee the rights of individuals. It also adds Loginow (op. Cit), new trends, based on a holistic, comprehensive, inclusive and integrated approach, with a social pedagogy focused on the needs of the subject, respecting individual differences.
Special education in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, has been reviewed by different authors from the problems concerns the need for integration in a new educational model that will eliminate dualism with regular education.
To this end, integration or inclusion into regular schools of children with special educational needs should be established with full political impetus to the reaffirmation of the right to education of all people regardless of individual differences.
However, it is not yet advances in the recognition of difference within the regular school system and complete the regular education system integration. Now, the American system of special education, which the Venezuelan country has taken some ideas, is defined as a waterfall that goes from integrating the environment in its capacity as the least restrictive regular classroom, even the most restrictive devised in specialized institutions for the mentally retarded or severe psychiatric disorders.
In addition to this, the Venezuelan ministerial body has meant some own scenarios for the care of people with special educational needs, understood from a humanistic and holistic perspective , to be from a holistic conception of the individual, in their capacity as individuals, both to meet their specific features, in terms of strengths and needs, and in its social nature, interact and play roles, full rights and duties enshrined in the Constitution.
However, those legitimate ministerial management guidelines, must serve as support in the subsequent stages mean bringing these thoughts to the educational reality, as teaching resources, specialized group for comprehensive care, adequate infrastructure, supervision and monitoring.

2.3. integrated classroom: specialized approach

The specialized children with learning difficulties in the integrated classroom, attention is a social inclusion policy that needs to be achieved effectively, in terms of rights and citizen participation.
Therefore, the qualitative change currently exercised in the considerations of doing, thinking and feeling integrated into the necessary learning of children with learning difficulties classroom is a goal pursued cope intervention scenarios with educational psychology and social criteria more standardized, is an integral event of human talents and teaching aids, according to the individual needs of development.
In this vein, highlights Sánchez and Garanto (2002), the general framework of intervention in special education must be made through stages in preventing detection from a greater awareness among professionals of physical and mental health , education and social services, to further affect the actual environment of the relevant programs.
Under such considerations, strategies curricular action to be followed in the delimitation of curriculum areas including domestic life, work or play / leisure and functioning in the community, delineation of the diversity of natural environments in which students severely poor, should work in the immediate future because of their activities in the house of her parents in a nursing home, or in a supervised apartment.
Similarly, attention should be paid to the delineation and inventory of natural environments where students can get to show appropriate in specific activities such as the bathroom, dining room, living room, bedroom, among other behaviors.
Also, delineating necessary to perform or participate in activities where it is welcome the commitment shown by these learners, according to identify whole or in part, the assigned task into smaller components or sequential skills.
Similarly, the design and implementation of the programs needed to ensure the execution of the skills outlined in the natural environment as a benchmark in clinical intervention with respect to expressive language, must include how to express needs, desires, questions, answers and group communication, whether as Logopódica (dysarthria, Dyslalias) or indirect methods (Praxias) as direct (phonation, articulation, Discrimination, breathing and relaxation) and Physiotherapy (cerebral palsy: spastic, Athetosis ataxic).
Regarding the psychomotor area comprising the body schema and spatiotemporal orientation, general dynamic coordination, Manual viso, postural balance, breathing and relaxation, should be strengthened. As for physiotherapy, specialist support in this area will facilitate the rehabilitation of the specific disability as spasticity, athetosis, ataxias.
In the cognitive area, multisectoral stimulation must be oriented towards discrimination of shapes, colors, sounds, those, flavors, by sight, touch, hearing. Important is the point of support in the area of ​​socialization that should take precedence in a greater range of functionality for different cases in extracurricular and after-school voice and natural environments. Ultimately, Rodriguez (. Ob cit) estimates that:
In practice these forms of teamwork are never presented in pure form, but overlap each other. (...) You tend to seek a dynamic team to work more neutral as interdisciplinarity posed with a product to guide educational action from the transdiscurso of all participants. (P. 136).
As described by the author mentioned, this means that the goals of the multidisciplinary team are represented in the respective educational programs to improve social inclusion status of students within the views of all reflected with the same courage, holistically, as everyone understands and uses language properly generated other disciplines and cultures to their own but share with team members in question.
Therefore, the interesting thing about this professional boost in the form of care to students with learning difficulties, meet each day more social approach in the different communities towards specializing in integrated classroom attention, behind a network of services as the modalities of complex features in the area of ​​special education.
The various discussions found as learning difficulties due to basic problems affecting aspects of visual, auditory and motor functions are disclosed in its holistic interpretation under the accumulation of experiences and strategies specifically considered before the corresponding dysfunction.
From this point of view, refers Barca (2002), the field of learning difficulties is quite confusing within the mainstream of special education, the function of the processes of educational intervention is to respond to the diverse needs of this nature can present students in school learning processes, so that integration and representation should not be ignored institutionally around the general difficulties that can adapt to the school system established.

2.4. humanist approach to social inclusion: motivational singularity

When considering some inherent humanistic theory elements stand out the signs of Maisto (2005), as the central principle of his study about the personality, as a primary purpose of the human condition that is made from one's potential.
It is projected as the philosophical perspective, epistemological and as a historical proposal, whose focus is the human being, which can reflect more in the field of people and human nature.
The cited author refers to his characterization of anthropocentric model, which promotes the study and understanding of human beings, from different aspects of knowledge, in psychological currents, anthropology and other disciplines.
It is a theory that seeks to interpret the exclusion of human beings considered as fundamental premise the sociological and psychological aspects of people, giving relevance to the broader view of human nature.
This Barrera (2005) thus notes that this theory is based on the values ​​of sociability as: understanding, consensus, motivation and achievement, therefore, has interference in other disciplines, such as sociology, economics , psychology, statistics, anthropology and law. That is, the study of being associated with its comprehensive and holistic nature, and demands for special education case, the approach through a multidisciplinary team, as has been raised in this article.
Under this same consideration, mentioned Romero (2004), the humanist theory opens new horizons in the interpretation of multidisciplinary and holistic approaches, which the student is not only an active, creative subject according to their potential, holding capabilities to overcome the deficiencies and limitations, because of the desire for a better quality of life associated with their social integration in a system of human relations.
At this point, Mayo (1977), extended various study variables related to human relations in production, studying the subject in relation to its surroundings in an atmosphere of freedom, where the rigid rules were not limiting factors for him and main premise is considered a social being, so their studies allowed to analyze the incorporation of the human factor as a key element in developing the subject regarding their incentive interpersonal relationships.
About Marquez (2008), makes room for reasoning about the potential for creativity development, the possibilities of improving the social integration of people with learning difficulties, although their analysis to the company and its scope of analysis is submitted to behavior of man as a worker, you may think that the situation of affection and efforts of the person with less commitment, can road toward a better world where you are recognized its possibilities.
In this sense, the above mentioned author points out that there are modifications of commitment to the limbic aspects that are operationalized on a daily basis towards greater human effort, reflected in a space towards increasing efficiency, because of their links psychosocial order.
On the other hand, Maslow (1969), explores this theory in his Humanist School of Psychology, where he conducted his research of human behavior between 1939 and 1943, clinging to the analysis of the causes that drive people to work. It thus reflects the importance of this theoretical on aspects of motivation and personality, since there deep understanding of human needs is incorporated.
Similarly, Mc Gregor (1960) states that the management of people is the main component to optimize the performance of responsibilities and work place as the most natural activity of man.
The position of Carl Rogers (1979), stresses that the individual perceives the world around him a singular and unique way;these perceptions are their reality or private world, his phenomenal field. In this sense, the manifested behavior of the person responds to your own experience and your subjective interpretation of external reality, while the only reality that counts for the subject, is his own.
This perspective transforms everything studying at knowable object and objectivity comes to mean a shared subjectivity by the wider community; where the action is but a particular case of subjectivity and interpersonal or phenomenological knowledge, in which information between people in a dialogic way and interacted shared.
Thus, Rogers (op. Cit), emphasizes that each individual coexists in a continually changing world of experience, of which he is the center. The person appreciates their experiences how their reality and react to their perceptions.
This experience is their reality therefore, the subject will get more aware of their intrinsic reality because no one better than it reaches to meet its internal framework.
In the same vein, the same author says that man holds the essential tendency to maintain and develop their bodies according to their skills and motivation, showing the blossoming of all its capabilities with the intention to keep and expand.
According to this criterion, Rogers (op. Cit) recognizes a remarkable principle of motivation in human behavior which is the innate requirement of self-actualization. Man is only driven by their willingness to be, that in each subject externalize differently.
As for self-actualization, there is an evaluative or regulator, also primary system. Since childhood, the person is constantly developing an organismic self-assessment process that has as its criterion the need to upgrade. The experiences that are perceived as satisfying this need be valued positively, and not perceived as satisfactory negatively valued.
In short, when you interactively review the basic elements of humanistic theory regarding learning difficulties, it is understood that the dimension of the human being motivated in their just recognition through social inclusion, is an end of self-realization within shares of the world of life, which correspond to interpret all potential diversity of creative abilities to join the world community.
Figure 1, allows us to visualize some integrated elements referring to the field of learning difficulties as a sphere of human relations, values ​​and capabilities of individuals to link social inclusion opportunities.

Figure 1. Multiple dimensionality of integrated classroom.Prepared
Figure 1 complements the various theoretical considerations developed regarding the dimensionality of integrated classroom, regarding specialized care in its multidisciplinary domain pointing in understanding and comprehensive action in addressing the human being diverse, the conviction of a language generated in the culture shared by the social actors involved in the service, which accommodates the network elements, factors and ineluctable conditions in the social approach of students to different communities, to the pursuit of social inclusion based on own potential.

3. Methodological guidance

The study from which this article is derived, was founded on the basis of philosophical, psychological and teaching aids, to the world's understanding of life, set in the specialized diversity of children care with learning difficulties attended around a prospective look of social inclusion.
It is relevant conceptualizations to the emerging interpretation of this reality, from the qualitative paradigm, relativistic, naturalist, notably Guba and Lincoln (1985), from a dialectical perspective as a process of gathering information, but at the same time, derived from dialogue, analysis, understanding the world, self-reflection and self-understanding.
The phenomenological-hermeneutical method, focusing on the eidetic and transcendental reductions Husserl (1995), held its monitoring role from the information provided seven (7) teachers in the classroom integrated in Torres, Lara, Municipality of the Republic Bolivariana de Venezuela, through in-depth interviews.The information thus derived is analyzed, interpreted and understood in terms of generating categories: specialized care, integrated classroom and social inclusion.
For the designation codes of emerging subcategories, his understanding was expanded by the name assigned to each of them, distinguishing the social actor and mentioned it and the identifying lines of the situation and identifies the protocol materials transcript the interviews.
For example, if the sub was derived: Educational Intervention, he accounted code: INTEDUC, EAP-AS5, L: 57-67, which means educational intervention (INTEDUC), information found from the depth interview (EAP) whose reference is in the protocol materials transcribed from line 57 to line 67.

4. Findings

For the distinction of the findings, presented in the matrix below, an extract of this evidence and its interpretation.

matrix 1

Category: Integrated Classroom

Is directed to the classroom, it is to make a small observation.There are applied instruments with the classroom teacher.
Social Actor 6
The teacher refers the student through a diagnosis of the case.We do work on how to seek testing and verification of educational facts mentioned the difficulty of learning.
Social Actor 7
Well, first of all it relies on observation, from there the recurring information is extracted by the complexity of scenarios that are detected as specialized care in the classroom integrated
School integration Context
L: 51-66
Social Actor 1
It was successful because these everyday activities aligned to the school context, what is culture, interests and the desire to improve the quality of education.
Social Actor 7
Often, they tell the teacher directly (...) and then look for ways to be more integrated in the classroom
L: 38-46
Social Actor 2
Sensitized, there is not much information.
Social Actor 7
I think there is no detailed information on these guidelines from the authorities, because for me it is not clear what is going to change.
Learning difficulties
L: 90-88
Social Actor 2
The integrated classroom, I worry because not all teachers hold this professional way to meet the needs.
Social Actor 4
We have an educational reality that must be undertaken in all aspects of human transcendence we serve.
Social Actor 4
We are known as an integrated classroom really busy, this in reference to the aid required by the school.
Social Actor 5
We are serving children in learning difficulties or other less commitment, but we give care through strategies that encourage the child so that it can develop in other potential, at least in this case you are observing.

matrix 2

Category: Social Inclusion
The inclusion manifests according to the needs of each community. At least in this community, we receive children from low-income, with either many needs love, understanding, spiritual, part of the same family.
L: 104-112
Social Actor 3
Now that's a positive change, which means there is a concern of the authorities to provide better service ... is already an advance, and would only be limited aspect of the training.
Social Actor 4
It is draining variety of complex situations linked to learning difficulties.
L: 57-65
Social Actor 2
We have a slight delay and an impediment bone motor.
Social Actor 5
children integrated into school with a moderate or mild retardation have. I say this because it is very hard task, especially when special knowledge is not arguing that this requires.
L: 73-95
Social Actor 1
Social inclusion is achieved when the integrated classroom work.
Social Actor 7
Causes among which are supported by monitoring by the state, and the main part is the family part, ie; no support from home.
Ministerial guidelines
L: 83-95
Social Actor 3
New guidelines of the Ministry of Popular Power for Education, in the subsystem of special education, I would say that lack support in strengthening the motivation of teachers, better information on what is to be transformed.
Social Actor 4
Integrated classrooms work very well structured, we have guidelines for everyone, it is a permanent work organization and training.
Systemic planning
L. 244-260
Social Actor 6
They feel uncertainty in those cases that have been gestating on information that runneth, but not concrete in the broad fate of what is really the curricular transformation that is required.
Social Actor 7
Addressing systemically situation, taking into account the institution and its needs, the student and learning difficulties, family, community and contact with the authorities.

matrix 1

Category: Specialized Care

The organization of this educational reality right now is in a process of building yet.
Social Actor 2
We had worked very well organized, but there is much uncertainty right now, we do not know how to work.
Social Actor 5
Diagnosis to try and enter these children with learning problems and lower mental commitment, but also must have institutional conditions of resources and availability of physical infrastructure area for these children with Down syndrome.
Social Actor 6
The integrated organization, I think it needs more preparation, better planning of activities related to special education.
Educative intervention
L: 160-173
Social Actor 3
The principal's support is crucial for any educational intervention.
Social Actor 5
Was diagnosed with a neurological level problem has since suffered several seizures and that it affected the academic part, however, here in the office have their medical reports.
Social Actor 6
We currently have two students who have autism, one and the other holding a hearing impairment.
Interferences Learning
L: 13-24
Social Actor 2
Specialist care is extremely important because children when we talk about interference of learning know they need a specialist.
Functional diversity
L: 26-41
Social Actor 3
Learning difficulties cover the most basic processes of reading writing and arithmetic, which is where psychologists specialists are secured to achieve this integration.
L: 175-195
Social Actor 5
The foundation of the work of the specialist is love (...).
Social Actor 6
Where the lack of that part of affection, love and understanding towards the part of the child's evidence.
Social Actor 6
The need to strengthen these humanist values ​​of teachers to children who have difficulty learning.
Social Actor 7
I think the main thing is love, commitment to these children, because it manifests itself in a more sensitive about the needs of affection, caresses treatment.

5. Reflections

I took the reflections on the metaphor of the Rainbow, as the semblance of this analogy with the investigation, which called my interpretative symbolic conceptualization, regarding specialized care Classroom Integrated within open to the Divine holes, essentiality of Being Sublime and integration superimposed on the look that is observed to school with special educational needs categories and space reference in what the educational philosophy of special education.
In this context, the fact of considering this educational subsystem, between the objective and subjective, the complementarity of the symbolic, the emerging and what you really want to change is highlighted, which accommodates feel it and do it with echoes of complexity of its elements associated with what comes to mean a complex social system with a series of educational systems interwoven with all open to dialogue dimensionalities, interdisciplinarity of talents and specialists totaling wills in the exercise of care in all settings so warrant and the integrative character of the trasdisciplinariedad, to go beyond the objectives, curriculum and appropriate academic conditions and the composition of a semantic network.
Under this epistemological vigilance, which adds values ​​achievable efforts through the operation of a body of specialists, such as doctors or holistic health, psychologists, educational psychologists, teachers, specialists integrated classroom, sociologists, there must be a tendency to seek potential students, to incorporate them into social life with some functional diversity and with specific limitations, to attend to be, towards finding and spiritual multicolored lights of a comprehensive rehabilitation and individualistic action.
Facing specialized in integrated classrooms attention, the perspective of social inclusion of each of the colors of humans treated in this subsystem of special education, must mean with property is possible from any commitment, mixing talents , wills service and share hopes and dreams, but also require that make it possible and fruitful in the vicinity of various commitments and learning difficulties, who are referred through diagnostics, to present a problem in their learning.

6. References

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