Saturday, July 30, 2016

Meaning of virtual learning environments teachers


The significance associated with this opinion or judgment formed from the angle of emotionality in relation to something, based on observation. In the case that it is for this documentary research, that something refers to virtual learning environments (EVA) seen as spaces hosted on the web that allow you to implement the teaching of new ways of learning in the knowledge society of the XXI century . That opinion or judgment about EVA may or may not lead teachers to be trained in the management of technological tool. Therefore this article focuses on the meaning and basic emotions, as well as the virtual learning environment and new ways of learning and finally university teaching and training processes technology in their educational action.
Keywords: significance, virtual learning environment, training.


Meaning Assigned by College Professors to the Use of Virtual Learning Environments in Their Teaching Labor.
Meaning is Associated to review or assessment FORMED emotional attachment from an angle in relation to something, based on observation. In the case Concerns That documentary research esta That something Refers to the virtual learning environments (EVA) as seen spaces located online, That allow for the Implementing of the didactic of new forms of learning in the XXI century's knowledge society. That review or assessment on EVA May or May not lead the teachers to train Themselves in the handling of the technological tool. That's why the current article is focused on the meaning and basic emotions, as well as the virtual learning environment and the new learning ways and finally, the college teacher and the technological training in Their teaching action.
Keywords: meaning, virtual learning environment, training


The significance of Latin significatio is the action or effect of meaning and one of the uses of the notion of meaning is associated to award importance in any order. [Online Web Page]. Available: http: // www. definition. of / significance /. In this vein mean it can be seen as expressing one or a feeling;opinion or judgment formed via observation;pensamientoexpresadoconpalabras. [PaginaWebenLínea].Available: http: // www. is. thefreedictionay. com / mean.
Emotional development in the individual is associated with cognitive and mental development and being the emotions of great importance in human organism because they allow the relationship between the conscious and the subconscious, characteristic of the human species.
In this vein we can say that the word emotion comes from the Latin meaning Move- moveré-, and attached to the prefix e, ie e'll move which would mean moving towards, excitement or agitation. And according to the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language, emotion is a disturbance of intense and fleeting, pleasant or painful mood that is accompanied by some somatic shock.
Goleman in 1996 cites families of basic emotions such as: anger (anger, resentment ...), sadness (sorrow, grief ...), fear (anxiety, fear ...), pleasure (happiness, pride ...), love (acceptance, affinity ... ), surprise (shock, bewilderment), disgust (contempt, disgust ...) shame (humiliation, regret ...).
At the same time, Salinas (2011) indicates that a virtual learning environment education is a hosted web space, consisting of a set of tools that allow the didactic interaction.
It has four basic features: an electronic environment is not material in the physical sense, created and built by digital technologies; It is hosted on the network and can have remote access to their content via any device with Internet connection;or software applications that conform serve as support for training activities for teachers and students; the didactic relationship does not occur in them "face to face" (as in classroom teaching), but mediated by digital technologies.Therefore the EVA enable the development of educational activities without teachers and students coincide in space or time.
new ways of learning arising from technological innovation.These new forms of learning are supported by Siemens (2004) and Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age, which is based on the integration of principles explored by chaos theory, networks, complexity and self-organization.
Learning is a process that occurs in changing environments fuzzy core elements, which are not entirely under the control of the individual. And it consists of connecting a set of specialized information and skill is to learn connected.
Consequently Aguila (cited) considers it essential that teachers be trained in skills related to the duties of his profession activities to be mediators of the learning process of students working in the quality of education and especially in training full of students, from their role as teachers, developing strategies of teaching, learning and evaluation that provide consistency to all this approach translates into daily activity.
In this regard, development-oriented and competence of teachers, Gonzalez (above), sees the teacher as effective educational leader must take into account among other things the use of the technological age by using ICT to reach more people through social networks, blogs, web pages and more.


This article has been developed through a documentary research whose starting point is literature, using the query in the respective sources. Subsequently the collected information is summarized analytically and performed a critical analysis Montero and Hochman (1996). In order to reach conclusions as contributions to the research.


Meaning and basic emotions

The significance of Latin significatio is the action or effect of meaning and one of the uses of the notion of meaning is associated to award importance in any order. [Online Web Page]. Available: http: // www. definition. of / significance /. In this vein mean it can be seen as expressing one or a feeling;opinion or judgment formed via observation;pensamientoexpresadoconpalabras. [PaginaWebenLínea].Available: http: // www.
Charles Sanders Pierce, another expert in semiotics, understands the meaning as an abstraction or mental image that binds to the signifier (the material support perceived by the senses) to form the linguistic sign, which refers to a reference (real object).
In summary the meaning against something, is given by expression of thought in words, that thought is being a mental image associated with a material support perceived by the senses forming a linguistic sign, whereby which the individual thinks or expresses A judgment.
On the other hand, emotional development in the individual is associated with cognitive and mental development and being the emotions of great importance in human organism because they allow the relationship between the conscious and the subconscious, characteristic of the human species.
In this vein we can say that the word emotion comes from the Latin meaning Move- moveré-, and attached to the prefix e, ie e'll move which would mean moving towards, excitement or agitation.
And according to the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language, emotion is a disturbance of intense and fleeting, pleasant or painful mood that is accompanied by some somatic shock.Goleman in 1996 cites families básicascomoson emotions: anger (anger, resentment ...), sadness (sorrow, grief ...), fear (anxiety, fear ...), pleasure (happiness, pride ...), love (acceptance, affinity ...) surprise (shock, bewilderment), disgust (contempt, disgust ...) shame (humiliation, regret ...).
At this point we can summarize that in the mind of the individual emotions relate the conscious and the subconscious and allow to give the emotional tone to opinion or expression of opinion around something that the human being and that leads him to make decisions that They reflect on their personal and professional performance.

The virtual learning environment and new ways deaprendizaje

According to Salinas (2011) a virtual learning environment education is a hosted web space, consisting of a set of tools that allow the didactic interaction.
It has four basic features: an electronic environment is not material in the physical sense, created and built by digital technologies; It is hosted on the network and can have remote access to their content via any device with Internet connection;or software applications that conform serve as support for training activities for teachers and students; the didactic relationship does not occur in them "face to face" (as in classroom teaching), but mediated by digital technologies.Therefore the EVA enable the development of educational activities without teachers and students coincide in space or time.
In this vein, new ways of learning arising from technological innovation. These new forms of learning are supported by Siemens (2004) and Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age, which is based on the integration of principles explored by chaos theory, networks, complexity and self-organization.
Learning is a process that occurs in changing environments fuzzy core elements, which are not entirely under the control of the individual. And it consists of connecting a set of specialized information and skill is to learn connected.
In this vein, connectivism states that decisions are based on principles that are changing rapidly. It is continually acquiring new information. The skill lies in the ability to distinguish the important and unimportant information is vital in decision-making.
In view of the above, the principles of connectivism are: learning and knowledge depend on diversity of opinions; learning is a process of connecting specialized nodes or information sources;Learning may reside in non-human devices; the ability to know more is more critical than what is known in a given time; feeding and maintaining connections is needed to facilitate lifelong learning; the ability to see connections between fields, ideas and concepts is a key skill; updating (accurate and current knowledge) is the intent of all connectivist learning activities;decision-making is itself a learning process.
The act of choosing to learn and the meaning of incoming information is seen through the lens of a changing reality. A right decision today may be wrong tomorrow due to alterations in the information environment affecting the decision.
The notion of connectivism has implications among other aspects in the design of learning environments such as virtual learning environments (EVA). For those environments work in building an updated knowledge that connects areas, ideas and concepts, developed collaboratively and so: synchronous (teacher and student interact in the same place and time, using resources such as: chats, video conferences ) or asynchronous (where the interaction is not given at the same time, such as through forums, email).
On the other hand he believes that the role of teachers as online tutor and manager of the EVA is to provide students with technological tools to guide the search and construction of knowledge in the learning environment.
The prospect connectivist Siemens (2004) suggests that this learning space must be internalized by the actors involved in it (teacher-student), among other things: the collaborative process, diversity of opinions, the management of linguistic codes and forms of writing in the network to ensure effective communication; as well as the computer, seen as a friendly service nonhuman process tool.
Connectivism also proposes that the updating of knowledge is the intent of all connectivist learning activities; connect nodes specialized information is key in the search for new, updated assertive information, which results in the knowledge acquired by the student through the intervention of the online tutor, which will facilitate and guide this search with the resources offered these virtual environments.
In short, the virtual learning environment represents the space hosted on the web consists of a set of software tools that enable new forms of educational interaction in new learning processes, characterized in general terms: the possibility of connection with specialized information and the ability to learn to connect; the act of choosing to learn front in a changing reality; updating of knowledge as the core of the new processes of learning, synchronous or asynchronous teacher-student ratio of (online tutor) (participant).

The university teacher and processes in educational technology training suacción

Sarmiento (1995-1996): "Training is to empower or commission someone to do something. "(P. 359).
Consequently Aguila (cited) considers it essential that teachers be trained in skills related to the duties of his profession activities to be mediators of the learning process of students working in the quality of education and especially in training full of students, from their role as teachers, developing strategies of teaching, learning and evaluation that provide consistency to all this approach translates into daily activity.
In this regard, development-oriented and competence of teachers, Gonzalez (above), sees the teacher as effective educational leader must take into account among other things the use of the technological age by using ICT to reach more people through social networks, blogs, web pages and more.
In addition, Unesco (2008), considers the development of new academic competencies that meet quality standards to be accredited, and be extended to professionals for the online student aspires standards.
The teaching according to the ICT Competency Standards for Teachers: Must be able to design learning opportunities and enabling environment in the classroom to facilitate the use of ICT. the acquisition of basic notions (in the understanding of new technologies), deepening of knowledge (is to incorporate the curriculum), knowledge generation (cultural creativity and productivity) arises.
Regarding basic knowledge in understanding new technology, including standards cited: understand educational policies;knowledge of curriculum standards, assessment procedures and incorporation of ICT into the curriculum; knowledge of the relevance of technology; knowledge of the basic operation of hardware and software; use them and ensuring access to them;knowledge of web resources.
With regard to the further development: knowledge of national education policies; knowledge of the subject; ability to help students create, implement and monitor, project approaches and solutions; be able to use ICT to create and monitor projects, generate environments flexible classroom learning, have skills and knowledge to create complex projects, in terms of knowledge generation: participate in the design of educational policies, you must understand processes complex cognitive, learning process modeling, play a leadership role, show willingness to experiment and use ICT to create professional knowledge communities.
In view of the above, train the teachers in the use of ICT passes incorporate his training career in the sense understand, develop skills in handling it and on the other hand the motivation that implies that consider when implementing the innovative meaningful learning processes, designing learning opportunities that are based on that understanding in university organizations which are part of the teacher-student and which should not be alien to these processes of change.
Teachers should be trained in the development of technological skills, you must have the ability to use the technological tool in the new learning processes. Including EVA tools that allow train students in skills such as assertive search for information, that can build an updated knowledge.
For the successful professional in this new information society is one that is kept updated. As a result the role of teachers should draw on new tools to achieve the objectives that new forms of learning arise.


The expression of judgment and the emotional tone of teachers against the use of virtual learning environments (EVA), defined as those hosted in the web spaces that provide a set of tools to be used in teaching; You should take to want training in the development of technological skills, so as to venture into these new forms of learning aimed at professional society of XXI century in the Knowledge Society.
Where such professional competencies lie in: the ability to update knowledge through an assertive pursuit thereof; handling synchronous and asynchronous relationships teacher-student in the learning process, and a thought network capable of interconnecting nodes of information and which allows the substitution of one for the other, in an assertive decision making.


  • Aguila C, C (sf) Educational Leadership with Value. The teacher's role as a trainer and facilitator of change.Available: http: // ecademic. sems. udg. mx / formacion_docente_e_investigacion / research / publications / docucoloq27. pdf
  • What is definition of meaning, Meaning and Concept.Available: http: // definition. of / meaning / # ixzz30gXdQfBP
  • Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy. 23ºEdició edition.
  • Encyclopedia Britannica Publishers, INC. (Ed.) Lexipedia (Vol. 3, p. 410).
  • Goleman, D. (1996). Emotional Intelligence. Why is it more important than IQ. Javier Vergara Editor. Buenos Aires.
  • Gonzalez, O. 9 tips to become an effective educational leader. Available. http: // www. / 2012/11/9-tips-parconvertiren-un-leader. html
  • Montero and Hochman, E. (1996). Documentary research.Techniques and Procedures. Caracas Venezuela. : 3 it was. ed. Editorial Panapo.
  • [Online Web Page]. Available: http: // www. definition. of / significance /.
  • [Website online]. Available: http: // www. is.thefreedictionay. com / mean.
  • Salinas, I (2011). Virtual Learning Environments in School: types, didactic role model and teacher. Pontificia Universidad Catolica Argentina (UCA). Available: http: // www. uca. edu. ar
  • Sarmiento (1995-1996). (Ed.). Encyclopedia Britannica Publishers INC. Lexipedia. Encyclopedic Dictionary.Kentucky: 5th ed. Vol1. Lexipedia. Diorki, SA.
  • Siemens, G. (2004). Connectivism: A Theory of Learning for Digital Era. Available: http: // www. slideshare. net / lepirex / siemens2004-conectivismopdf-presentation
  • UNESCO (2008). ICT Competency Standards for Teachers. Available: http: // portal. UNESCO. org / en / ev.php-URL.

Original title: Meaning that university teachers assigned to the use of virtual learning environments

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