Tuesday, August 2, 2016

"Danghamyeon discrimination in school increases the probability crime."

Professor jeongjeyoung junior researchers targeted research 
Discrimination experienced increases of 38% probability of transgression flight 
36% increase in human rights violations by the school experience 
Students greater impact than individual depression (22.9%). 

The students who experienced discrimination in the school the student is otherwise gyeonjwo probability of committing a 'transgression fly' such as extortion or theft, assault was higher (38%). Such a study conducted by researchers pointed out that "an impartial attitude of the teachers treat the students can be a special strategy to prevent youth crime."
17 days jeongjeyoung Ewha Womans University research team is harm, discrimination experiences in school, the others look at the fact Papers 'Factors affecting the flight of the middle school "in the current issue of Korea Youth Policy Institute published <Korea Youth Studies>' Criminal misconduct '(extortion, theft, false information dissemination, assault, etc.) showed an increase of 38.0% probability."Human rights violations experienced in school 'was also increased to 36.0% probability offense flight. "Depression in the students personal" transgressions occurred gyeonjumyeon flight to increasing the probability of 22.9%, were analyzed to experience at school than students in private flying offense occurred on an even greater impact. On the other hand, students Having attention from parents or feel good class attitude was a factor lowering the probability of occurrence of each flight transgression 16.5% and 24%. This is the result of constant research team analyzed the third year (2014) Middle Panel Survey 3063 3 students among the people of the data of the "game Education Longitudinal Study 'research.
Chung's team has in the article "Discrimination experienced in the parent's indifference and schools had a negative impact on students' social adjustment and interpersonal forms of violence, such as theft and the potential to trigger an offense flight form damaging to others "she said," he was diagnosed impartial attitude of the teachers treat the interests of the parent and student representation for the child can be a special strategy to prevent transgressions flight. "

On the other hand, showed that drinking on the school experiences of significant influence in the case of smoking, such as Southern personal dimension of 'deviant misconduct "that banned to people that do harm. "Depression in the students 'personal' is departing flight had increased the probability 51.2%, 48.5% increased approximately two flight departing probability if there are human rights violations in the school of experience. In the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family announced the "2014 Youth White Paper, was 14 years old to 16 years old rate of juvenile occupies the highest percentage 52.9%, the proportion of low-age juvenile under 14 years of age from the 6.6% in 2011 to 2013 It increased to 12.9%. Looking at the percentage of juvenile with a criminal record over the past five years, from 35.7% in 2009, it has continued to increase to 41.5% in 2012, to continue to increase the proportion of four pan over juvenile center from 8.9% in 2009. In 2013, 15.6% It showed the occupied.

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