The era of globalization, the Internet assumes an indispensable presence of the company in the virtual organization. This means that a fundamental step in the marketing strategy of the enterprise becomes the formation of awareness, because customers will go to the place that they know will buy the product / service, about which they know.
Website promotion takes an important role in this regard. The user usually looks at only the first page in the search, therefore, it is important to take the first place. Here come to the aid of experts, who are called SEO-experts, SEO-optimizers, SEO-managers, and simply "SEOs". What do they do?
SEO-experts know as "excellent" the algorithms of search engines is the semantic core, writes articles with the "right" keys to successfully promoting sites at competitive demands, is well versed in the profession optimizer sites. In the market there are many service organizations specializing in the promotion of Internet resources. There are companies-beginners, there are already many years of experience. For example, a well-known company with 10 years of experience -
Who rules the ranking major search engines - Yandex, Google (or common - Yasha and Gosha), so the demand for professionals who are guided extremely high in the new algorithms. What should know a good "SEOs"? Here is a sample list of required knowledge / skills:
• rules for the internal website optimization;
• preparation of a semantic core, competent selection, placement of keyword phrases, create text with them;
• fundamentals of programming, html-markup formation url-structure;
• Purchase of temporary / eternal links;
• specifics of the promotion in social networks;
• particular content.
SEOs salary depends on many factors, experience, location and volume of work, but they usually get from 40 thousand rubles, the average well - 150tysyach. Learned about SEO specialist can own, the network offered a lot of courses, including free (usually on specific topics). You can go through comprehensive training and enough Googling and out a lot of variants. But after studying, go to work, at least in the same company with 10 years of experience.
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