Wednesday, August 3, 2016

School violence, Elementary 4th grade is the best for many reasons?

Ministry of Education, School Violence Survey 
68% of students are elementary damage grades 4-6 
Verbal abuse, bullying, physical assault Net 

Students who were in an answer, while the middle and high school student school violence has

decreased compared to the previous year elementary school students showed increased. 68% of school violence were elementary school students.
18 days Ministry of Education announced the 2016 Primary School Violence Survey results containing the such information. School Violence Survey every year since it was first performed in April 2012 (1st), September (secondary) to be carried out in two online survey, the nationwide fourth grader - high school third grade students 4.32 million people among the 4.56 million people two (94.8%) were involved.
In the survey, gyeonjwo student response were in an school violence was 0.9% (30,000 9000 people) last year same period investigated was 1.0% in the first survey in 2015 (4 10 000 4000 patients) to 0.1% p (5000 people ) declined. It accounted for the largest share of the damage type of verbal abuse (34.0%) patients, bullying (18.3%), physical violence (12.1%), stalking (10.9%), cyberbullying (9.1%), extorted money and goods (6.8%) , forced molestation, rape (4.5%), errands force (4.3 percent).
By elementary schoolmates 2.1% (26.4 thousand people), junior (7100 people) 0.5%, 0.3% of high school (5200 students), the elementary school students showed that the students accounted for 67.9% of total damage. The response rate of the elementary damage is seven times higher than gyeonjwo four times in junior high school.

Elementary 4th grade of damage, particularly response rate (3.9%) and grade 5 (1.6%), significantly higher gyeonjwo in Grade 6 (0.9%). Ministry official said, "Yeah. For the first four grades of school violence surveys tend to reflect the cumulative damage experienced since elementary school." Nomigyeong Korean Teachers and Education Workers Union Elementary chairman "Primary 3-4 grade around the conflict makin many as peer relationships are actively formed tend to be recognized as school violence," he said "With the increasing academic pressure from the third grade because of academic stress students this year will be the accentuated violent actions, "he said. 1-2 grade, when 22 hours a week teaching time is the third year since neuleonamyeo to 26 hours, subjects may be five subjects (languages, mathematics, right living, Intelligent Life, Enjoy Life) 9 subjects (languages, mathematics in, English, social, increase moral, science, physical education, music and art).

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